Moving into 2022 - and It's Time To Get Dressed

It’s Time To Get Dressed!

Now that we have wrapped Q1 of 2022, most of us have experienced almost 2 years of working remotely or some form of WFH , connecting virtually with teams and clients … I am suggesting that IT IS NOW TIME TO GET DRESSED. 

·         Time to get out of those yoga pants, joggers, t-shirts and the “2 Zoom shirts” you wear.

·         Time to change your mind-set and think about how you are presenting yourself both virtually and in-person. Most companies are now moving to a hybrid scenario and some are back in the office 4-5 days a week.

Do not misunderstand.  I am not suggesting that you go back to the structured dress slacks, skirts, jackets, dress shoes and heels you were wearing on March 1st, 2020. There will definitely be a more relaxed feel in the workplace, but the shift requires a conscience effort to review your work wardrobe and update in order to have the appropriate clothing for your position and career trajectory.

As an Image Coach and consultant for over 20 years, my perspective comes from working with clients who range from C-Suite execs in large international organizations to those who manage teams in smaller companies.  It is imperative that leaders continue to be consistent in presenting the image and brand they have worked so hard to craft.

Our company provides professional leadership development.  After remote workforces began to settle into their new normal, I was not surprised to see that ‘Executive Presence’ became one of the most requested topics of 2020-2021 through our virtual learning platform.

Organizations want their key leaders to understand the importance of the image they project, face-to-face and virtually.  A polished look sends a strong visual.  It sends the message that you are confident, organized, credible and influential - A necessary message to convey to teams and clients, letting them know you are ready for whatever tasks lie ahead.

We all know that 2020 changed everything – LITERALLY everything!  2021 was not what we expected either. Leaders went from planning what they wore each day based on scheduled meetings and travel, to hours upon hours of Zoom. 

The first 60 to 90 days were filled with grace and tolerance for all things – kids, dogs, spouses, any type of background, and whatever clothes you could make work that day.

As we ended 2020, I sensed a gradual change as it became more evident that phasing back into offices would be postponed.  It was now time to work harder than ever to navigate remotely to help take your business forward, and get through this pandemic. 

A few of the subtle changes included:

·         requests “to limit distractions” during the call - (code for keep kids quiet)

·         suggestions to “take the clothes up a notch for the next virtual meeting” (code for no t-shirts)

·         you will “need to have your video on” for the call tomorrow (code for not sure you are getting dressed or have had a shower– and need you to be totally present)

Even though many people felt they were just as productive at home, not all polls agreed. One survey sited by SHRM showed that 80% of people who dressed in something more closely tied to business casual felt more productive., compared to 50% - 70% who were in athleisure. We all know that when you are dressed for a big meeting, you have a different mindset.

Dress codes will never be the same and had already begun to shift prior to the pandemic.  These trends included a more casual approach and allowed employees to make their own decisions about what situations required more professional clothing.  I see this trend continuing, with the emphasis on educating employees about leadership presence.

Leaders who choose to present themselves in a more professional and polished manner will become more successful. Depending on your industry, this may require a more professional look, business casual or just a pressed shirt with a comfortable pair of pants – jeans are still not the norm for most industries. This leader will have more confidence, will perform at higher levels, and will lead teams to do the same.

Are you “DRESSED” and ready for the opportunities that will come your way?  


Rosemary Godwin is an image coach/consultant and the co-founder of Godwin Leadership Consulting.  GLC partners with the Institute for Management Studies (IMS) to provide the highest-level of LIVE Virtual Learning in the industry, presented by internationally respected thought leaders. 

Rosemary Godwin